tirsdag den 18. marts 2014

Well done TFP

So for those who don't know by now
I spend quite a lot of time at Christiania
And at Christianshavn in general
And it seems like the police has intensified their drug hunt
Which sucks
But I think most people expect it to have no effect
Well I am here to tell you that it does
Maybe not the effect you or the police wants
But it has had an effect
After the last big raid pusher street has started changing
Stands are being rebuild
And there are a lot more masked guys in the streets
Not just the merchants
A lot of the guys who just hang out are masked as well
I don't think much has changed in the park as a whole
But I wouldn't want be walking in there in uniform anymore
If someone in charge of making laws doesn't get the point soon
I fear this could get uglier
The world seems pretty scared at the moment
I can understand why
If everyone in the west thinks USA is generally the good guy
Then it could be an issue that Russia and China seems like they are ahead in a lot of military hardware
I guess I would say we should just stay defensive
And help if we are asked
I really think Europe should help defend Ukraine
If we are asked
And for Polands move
Going into alert and prepare to assist
Good job
The way this conflict is playing out does not seem right
I actually
For once
See the resemblance to Hitler
Move in
Hold an election
Didn't you always want us to stay?
Not the right way
The whole world would be a lot less scary if we could get along

søndag den 16. marts 2014

Spring I guess

It feels like I'm not writing as much
I think I remember the same happening last year at this time
As in
It feels like spring is just around the corner
Guess we won the global weather lottery this year
I still don't really think I'm gonna stay though
The water is still calling
And somehow the rest of the world joined in
I'm considering the new world nations thing
It sounds kind of cool
And I suspect you would be able to keep working the internet
While you are out in the wild
Getting experiences
I am totally sold on the interspecies internet
I would love to go out into the world at tech people speez out what it's called
And then teach them to teach the animals as well
It seems like a very simple way
To give animals a way
To make a dictionary
Boy that would help
Think off pictograms
Designed by apes
To other apes
Or elephants
How much easier would it be for an elephant to make an emergency call
If another elephant had designed the pictograms
I think an interspecies internet would be a major part in making this world better
I think it's a shame and quite disgusting
That we are still treating the majority of animals
As bad as the worst regimes treat their enemies
And we are generally completely ignorant of any kind of consciousness from them
To be real though
I gave already seen cats work iPads
There is no reason why a whole host of other animals shouldn't be able to
I would like to find out
Might even make me better at teaching people

mandag den 10. februar 2014

African beef

I just saw one of those episodes
That make your faith in humanity a little stronger
But at the same time show how docked up the world is
So I'm walking on my usual path
Going towards my winter spot
I walk past a guy
Staggering like he was drunk
Just as I pass him
A bottle collector turns to him and asks if he is hungry
Now they could be friends
Which will make this kind of pointless
As feeding your friends would be a given for me
But say they aren't
This gesture from one of the poorest my society can manage
Made me believe in the human race
But really
It should have been me asking
Or someone who could actually afford to feed the poor
That should be the next "folkegave"
Food for everyone
The people who give a shit about opera
Or spiritual wellness
Can afford to pay for it
But then again
Shouldn't the bear nessescities be the first thing we paid for?
I think my vision requires robots to do our work
Which at this rate will be like ten years
When we don't need people to be slaves anymore
We really should consider
And empowering
Of everyone
To be a top priority
Like Dr. Tyson said
Imagine how many opportunities, for great discovery, might have been lost, in the last thousand years, where education has been hindered.
But I think it starts with us starting to take care of each other
It is so ridiculous to fight over food
When the only way to get enough
Is to stop fighting
And start growing
The right way
I don't know if I want to go into what I think I'd the right way
Basically because I don't necessarily know enough
But also because it can easily get into GMO vs. Organic
And I basically believe one needs to be tested
And the other needs to be updated
9 billion in what? 30-50 years?
Maybe faster?
GMO sounds good
If it doesn't rid the earth of other stuff we might need later
And organic sounds nice
But at the moment I'm seeing local greenhouses
And not as much innovation as I would like
I get that organic would be awesome
If you recycled everything
Like on a floating island
It would make sense to keep alga away from solvents and toxins
So it makes sense to use products designed with that philosophy
We need to start feeding everyone
And we need to be smart about it
I still occasionally think of that idea about keeping cattle
In Africa
In a certain way
With huge herds migrating across large areas
Which took care of fertilising and ploughing the ground
Making the grass take over more and more of the desert
Binding carbon
And Lovering the carbon footprint of the cattle
If you have to eat beef
Get it from central Africa
I might have to look into that...

lørdag den 4. januar 2014

The happy hooker?

So I wrote this as a response to a Facebook post.
It is my first imprisons of a blog post from another blogger. I'll try to find her blog.
I remember reading a bit more of her writing, and finding her work interesting, but this one post on Facebook got on my nerve.
I think it was presented like a kind of evidence for outlawing  prostitution.
And I didn't really find it qualified.
The story is worth a read though.

Den lykkelige luder
Jeg ved egentligt ikke hvad jeg har af input til debatten
Jeg ved ikke om du kan være lykkelig som prostitueret
Det går jeg ud fra
Men vi er enige om at det skal være et valg
Ikke tvang
Til gengæld vil jeg også sige
Hvis du vælger ja
Fordi det er et godt betalt arbejde
Eller fordi du føler at du er god til det
Eller hvad din grund end er
til at vælge ja
Så må du også leve med det valg
Og så kan du altså ikke komme og klandre
Alle andre for ikke at sige Nej
Eller dine kunder for ikke at sige Nej
Hvis du sælger
Og det er dit valg
Så er det dit valg
Lev med det
Så må dine købere selv leve med deres valg
Og alle andre må leve med at det et dit valg
Og deres valg
Som du også siger politiet gør
Protect and Serve
Vi beskytter alle dit valg
Og vores
Og dine
Med vores skatter
Og hvis de ikke gør det allerede
Burde de tilbyde dig
Den hjælp du eventuelt må have brug for
Til at håndtere
Dine valg
Og det du ikke kunne kontrollere
Så du om ikke andet kan blive
Den lykkelige sexolog
Allerede der kan jeg se at vi allesammen gør noget
For at du kan blive mere
Jeg tror at mit problem er
Jeg føler at du lægger skyld på andre
For deres valg
I stedet for at tage ansvar
For dine valg
Jeg er ked af at du har oplevet ubehagelige ting
Og at dine valg ikke har fungeret for dig
Men det er ikke alle andres skyld


torsdag den 2. januar 2014

Dagens plan

Kender i det, når man når til den første dag i det nye år, og alt pludselig handler om slankekure?
Jeg mener ikke at jeg har brug for en kur som sådan, men det ville nok være fornuftigt at få lettet sin fede røv, bare en gang i mellem.
Jeg tænker at det måske var fornuftigt bare (for første gang nogensinde) at sige YOLO! Og så bruge i dag på at cykle til toget... En rask lille tur på 20km hjemme fra de gamle.
Jeg ved ikke rigtigt hvordan det vil gå, men jeg kan næsten garanterer at jeg er døden nær inden jeg når frem...
Det ville bare næsten være for fjollet, at det første min nye cykel præsterer, er at ligge og fede den bag i bilen, hele vejen hjem...

Jeg har overvejet om årets nytårs fortsæt skulle være at finde på et seriøst emne at blogge om. Et emne der er aktuelt hver dag, og som ikke er afhængig af om jeg lige har noget jeg skal af med.
Jeg har overvejet at starte med at kommenterer på aktuelle nyheder, eventuelt med fokus på kildekritik.
Eller jeg kunne starte en fitness blog, gøre rede for alle mine dårlige undskyldninger, og så pille dem fra hinanden. Det kunne måske få min røv i gear.
Jeg kunne også begynde at skrive om hvordan jeg (prøver at) får mit mad budget til at hænge sammen. Det ville sikkert være fornuftigt at blive mere bevidst om hvad jeg bruger mine penge på, og så er jeg ikke  elendig i et køkken, det ville sandsynligvis kunne rede nogle enkelte fra pasta al ketchup om ikke andet.
Jeg har også et gartneri projekt der starter senere på året, der måske var værd at skrive om.
Og så er der edX som starter lige om lidt... Det bliver jeg nok nødt til at skrive om.

Måske planen er at jeg laver et status skema, der skal udfyldes hver dag...

Fredag 3. Jan

0820 - Godmorgen!

Dagens plan:

Morgenmad - Ristet brød m. Humus og tomat
Ristet rugbrød m. Grillede grøntsager og æg

Jeg tænker at jeg lige bliver nødt til at finde ud af hvor koldt der er udenfor, så jeg går mig en tur inden bad

Hvis vejret er tåleligt er planen at prøve en længere tur på cyklen, og forhåbentligt ende ude i nærheden af Boogie.

2030 - I toget

Jeg vil ikke påstå at planen blev overholdt, men noget skete der da..

Efter at planen var lagt, fik jeg lavet noget mad, som i kan se. Grøntsagerne er rester fra dagen før, så de røg en tur på panden, sammen med et æg, og blev varmet igennem. Jeg synes at tomaterne så lidt ensomme ud, så de fik selskab af en skefuld græskar kerner.

Tid ca 5 min.

Derefter kørte jeg en tur på cyklen. Som forventet var jeg klar til at sove resten af dagen bagefter, men i stedet gik jeg en tur med hunden. Hyggeligt nok egentligt.

Projektet med at cykle til toget blev opgivet på halvvejen, da jeg ikke kunne overskue at køre resten i modvind. Men jeg nåede da en tur på i hvert fald 5 km (which is nice).

Nu er jeg så på vej tilbage til den store by. Det har været super at være hos de gamle hen over jul og nytår, men helt ærligt så glæder jeg mig til at komme hjem. Et er at der ikke er så meget at tage stilling til, hele tiden, men det er altså bare mere overskueligt at lægge planer, når den offentlige transport ikke kun kører hver time, og kun til kl 20.

Jeg tænker at planen for i morgen må være at få styr på mit lager af basis ting til madlavning. Tænker at det er et okay emne at starte med, og hvis i dag er til at gå ud fra, så virker det som et emne jeg kan bruge som spark til at få skrevet alt muligt andet.

Planen for resten af dagen bliver at tage til øen efter inspiration, og så hjem til min PC, som jeg har savnet ret voldsomt de sidste par dage. Jeg burde nok få kigget på edX, om ikke andet, så finde ud af hvordan deres linux distro virker, så jeg kan få VB'et den...

Jeg er ret spændt på hvordan det skal lykkes med to uddannelser på samme tid... Det var måske en ide at glemme adressen til 9gag...

Aftensmaden indtil videre har været en omgang af de samme trillede grøntsager (de fungerer også fint kolde) og så et par skipper's pipes fra pakkelegen.

mandag den 30. december 2013

Welcome to Eden

"Welcome to Eden"
As the bright spots slowly cleared from my vision, I found myself in the centre of a huge dome. Behind me I could see an enormous gate, in a strange glowing material.
I looked around the room for the source of the voice, but everything seemed completely empty.
I went back to the gate, to check out the source of the glowing, but, to my surprise, my hands went straight through it, without leaving any trace I had ever touched it.
At least the floor seemed solid enough and, though the walls of the dome was only visible as a reflection of the glow from the gate, they raised no immediate cause for concern either.
"Hello?" I tried, noticing the absence of echo.
"Welcome to Eden." A light flickered for a moment. Suddenly an old man appeared before me, smiling from ear to ear.
"I am the caretaker."
"Eden?" I asked.
"Upon your arrival Eden was chosen as a temporary name, given it's estimated meaning, in your vocabulary."
"Meaning what?" Not believing in any religion made me a bit wary of this development.
"This is, to our best knowledge, the oldest matter dominated universe in existence, this is the first recorded multi verse bubble. And this is where the last inhabitants left, searching for a new home."
"And you are the caretaker?"
"Of what?"
"This bubble is shielded from the development of space around it. This entire universe has been void of biological life for a long time.
I monitor and relay information about the current development of this universe, and on occasion I help out stranded travelers. at the current rate the last star will ignite before I get another visit."
"Help? Can you get me home?" I felt the hope flare inside.
"That depends on your knowledge of your own universe, but I can promise you, that this is not the most exciting place to spend eternity."
"Okay. What do you need from me?"
"What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?"
For a moment I was completely stunned. "42?"
"Seems reasonable." The caretaker smiled as the gate came to life with a low hum.
"Is it that easy?" I asked perplexed.
"If your calculations are correct, this should get you home."
"And what if it was just a line from a fictional story? What if I don't know?"
"Then at least it is somewhere other than here, and no amount of eternity will get you closer to the answer, you will just have to hope or believe."

So this may be new to some of you
I have a story
I want to tell
And I am doing so
Little by little

This is meant to be the resolution
The last page before the end

Earlier this year I posted my point of no return on 'Fyldepennen'
I guess the reason I am still writing
Is to give you guys a little insight
And to ask for help
I pretty much got the story
In my head
And when I feel like it
I guess it comes out okay
On paper
The thing is
I am not sure I am satisfied with 'okay'
What I write
Is what I see
In my head
But I have a feeling there might be a lot more to tell about the places I visit
If anyone fell like writing a picture of a timeless gate
Frozen in space
I'll buy you a cookie

Soon™ to come:
Near future
Post apocalypse
Giant ants
A variety of poor excuses to rationalise travel between universes
And a number of wise helpers (all me of cause)

I don't really see this becoming a big hit in like ever, but I would really like to tell my vision for the future, before I get to old to remember :D

mandag den 23. december 2013

Homo Sapiens' Civilisation: Quarks to Quasars

So I had a thought
And when i got home, it seemed like, someone else got it as well
How can we optimize the earth?
How can we make the best of it?
For all of us?
It started out with me being curious about
what Denmark
should be producing
to make the best of it
I personally think the heads on the castle are right
in that we need to create
a steady supply
of smart people
but what should our land be used for?
What will give us the most profit for our hunk of land?
Then I got the idea of trying it out in settelers
make some advanced rules
like what Denmark actually gets
and limestone in our underground
and waves
and whatever
but do it for the whole world :D
like in the desert they get a crap ton of sunshine hours
I think ^^
And up north I guess they at least got a steady supply of clean water

We should figure out where it makes sense to live :D
I primarily think of moving to the oceans
but why do we still drive on the ground?
It makes so much more sense
to move above it
or below it
above it you don't have to deal with mountains
and deer
and kids
and shit
and below ground
you don't have to deal with snow
and water
and kids
and shit
makes the road building much easier as well
just dig in straight lines
and then make roundabouts for every intersection
no need for you to pilot it then either ^^
I got the idea that maybe
if we plan on feeding 13 billion people pretty soon
turning the planet into a green house
might not be the worst idea ever ^^
then just deal with the rest :D
I mean if we could just pick the water from the sky
when its over the oceans
where it gets stormy
and scary
and put it back over the mountains
where it can rain down on the slopes
for us to pick up when we need
or just on the fields
and forests

So when I got home, I saw a post, from 'From Quarks to Quasars', about humanity's role in the destruction of the world - and the hubris of doomsday prophecies.
Fun stuff :D - ending with "So technically, it is nearly (if not entirely) impossibly for humans to destroy the Earth.

However, our inability to destroy the planet really isn't the ultimately point. It seems all too easy to assert that we cannot hope to really have a significant influence on life, the planet, the universe–anything–and through these statements justify our irresponsible actions. ...]

I think it's kind of poetic.
While I can see a potential problem between my liberation-of-humidity proposal, and wildlife groups. I completely agree, that we should try to be as nice about it as possible, to everyone else on the planet :D - and we can at least try, to make life, for the species that decide they like the way we run things, better for all of us.

I actually think the article is really good, as always ^^ - if you don't, you really should, follow 'From Quarks to Quasars' on Facebook, or Twitter... something :D