onsdag den 24. juli 2013

Top dog

How to rule an empire
How to be the top dog
I have been thinking about the way I view the monetary system
I’m thinking
For everything you make
You get some
And charity gets some
A percent
Maybe with some security for you
When you employ someone
They get some you get some
And charity gets some
Or maybe you give something to an account for making more of whatever you are doing, that might even make the employee more secure
This way, when you build up a company you make sure that every link of the way wants to do a better job
I’m thinking
For my podcast
Four people
And the shared part
The podcast
Then you have
50 left for charity
10 for each part
For each person to distribute
And for all four to agree on
If we ever employ anyone to work for us
Say does our taxes or whatever
They would get paid the same way
To do the taxes for the firm
You get 5% for example
Of what the firm makes
10% of everything
And up to your minimum salary
You get 100% of those 5%
After your salary is secure
The deal goes to 50% for you
And 50% for charity
So if you make more than what you were promised
You actually get more
But you also give more
For whatever you want to help
Or developing some useful Google glasses
And if one month went worse than expected
The employer would still have your back
The reason I started with being the top dog, is I was just coming out of a dream, about ruling an empire with absolute democracy, and your only role was to pitch in with ideas if someone couldn't agree
I was starting with a collective.
A place to live
Without being alone
But without being a family either
I would love
To live with someone who cared to cook
Or do the dishes
I would even pay someone for that
But it would just be easier if they were cooking for themselves
As well as the grumpy guy from the room far, far away
That would be great
Even living with people I liked
And who liked me
That was one of the great things about being young
You could live with freaking anybody
Before they decided that two were enough
Unless you spit it out yourselves
I don’t want kids
But I’d like to tell someone else’s kids to think for themselves
And I think maybe some of my mates are getting tired of me using them for practice
Anyway to make a place like that work, you would have to have an easy way to communicate with everyone. And with everyone having different schedules it would be easier to make it an online msg. board.
Make house meetings something that takes place all the time, while people are browsing the web anyway.
That way you wouldn’t even have to meet up unless you wanted to :D I would love that.
A system like that could rule the world in much the same way.
A system where the government
Was meant to distil the top topics
And make a functioning suggestion for the voters to agree upon
Where politics was the self-policing
Of a properly running message board.
And voting was done all the time
Since you were you
If you were a cunt most people would simply down vote you
And if you think you are being discriminated against we would have forums for that as well
How to rule that world
Simply reach in
Whenever things go sour
And make a suggestion for everyone to agree upon
They could always change it later anyway
You can never rule with force
You might for a while
You might even rule with oppression
For a while
But one day
Even your own military
Is going to be so poor
Or so fed up
That you will lose them
Let’s get democracy now
We are one people
On one planet
In one solar system
In one galaxy
In as far as we know the only universe we need to worry about right now
We have a long way to go
Before we can be the top dog
And to be
The top dog
We have to stop having one who wants to rule everything himself
And I say himself
Cause if it is a woman
I will be very sad
I still think the best of you :D

fredag den 19. juli 2013

Så rødt

I dag var jeg næsten i mit aller første slagsmål siden jeg flyttede.
Det var ikke noget voldsomt egentligt, men jeg kan ikke lide at slås, så det var nok til at få mit hjerte til at banke.

Det hele startede på et værtshus
så god start lige der
jeg var ude med nogle venner for at få en øl
så det fortsætter meget godt
jeg ved ikke om der gik noget forud
om kiggede forkert på en dame eller en mand
men pludselig var der en gut der skubbede til mig og begyndte at snakke højt
vi diskuterede frem og tilbage
havde jeg gjort det
hvorfor tror han det
og undskyld mange gange det skal aldrig ske igen
men det var ikke nok
han fik hidset sig selv mere og mere op
og pludselig slog han ud efter mig

Her skal jeg så måske lige indskyde, at jeg selv mener at jeg har en nogenlunde forståelse af hvordan selvforsvar fungerer: du holder afstand, taler roligt, holder en hånd I nærheden af ansigtet og den anden længere nede, eventuelt til at holde afstand. Ret mig hvis jeg tager fejl.

jeg trådte tilbage
og stoppede slaget
men da så jeg rødt
du skal ikke slå
frem og oppustet
du skal ikke slå mig er det forstået
hvis du vil slås så gør vi det
men ikke her

han tog sine venner og gik
jeg tog min telefon og ringede
1 – 1 – 2
og så satte jeg mig tilbage til min cola
bartenderen havde fået fat på Security
så de havde øje på dem
og da politiet ankom gik vi den anden vej

Jeg kan virkeligt ikke lide at slås.
Hvis folk gerne vil slås så må de gå til boksning eller melde sig til forsvaret.
Så må de steder lære dem kun at slå på folk der har lyst til at slå igen.
Det ville også gøre mig mere tryg, hvis det var en god chance for at den store gut der står til venstre for mig, rent faktisk kan og vil træde til og hjælpe med at få snakket diskussionen ned.

Og store fyre ved tydeligvis allerede hvordan man bruger et træningscenter, så der må være tid til at springe den lektion over og gå direkte til rules of engagement.

lørdag den 6. juli 2013

A Quarter

So funny story

I turned 25 a while ago, but not until today did it dawn on me, that 25 is a quarter of a century.
So unless I step in front of a bus or something like that, I will most likely have 3 more quarters to look forward to.
It’s fun to look back, everything seemed so good, except the really bad things, which are, for me at leas,t a small minority of memories, but still I feel like everything keeps getting better.
I understand the world better, and I can usually figure out why people do stuff, even if I don’t agree with them.
I know myself better, and I can for the most part decide for myself what action is the best to take.
I understand other people better, so it’s a lot less hard to make people happy, even without making myself miserable.
This feels like a continuous process, and I can’t wait to get to the next quarter stone, and look back at what has changed since this one.
But the part that really gets me exciting is thinking about the advances in medical science. What I wouldn’t give to be in the generation that gets to live forever.
The world clearly has some work to do, and a lot of idiots to let die, but by the time we get to the fountain of youth, I believe we will have had to learn to live together, or the nuclear clouds will make the overpopulation a problem on a much smaller scale.
If you can look back on your life with joy, you are fortunate
The present is up to you, but strive to get to a future that would make you happier than you currently are, if we all do that, every day will get better


torsdag den 4. juli 2013


Today I think I want to


About everything
About anything I think or say or do
I want to watch all the great talks and discussions
Do them again
And write what I saw
I want to write about love
And politics
Parties and Crushes
I want to write about what I think and say and do
To tell the world how you can think
Rational and without gods
And reach a point where you say
I don’t know
Or I do not understand why you say what you say
That I don’t think and say and do
Until we can agree
We each have to
Become better at understanding what we are being told
Become better at explaining what we think and say and do
We must
Attempt to explain or change the things we
Think and say and do
There is no reason to hate
And whatever else there is
The point is that even though we look different
Or live different lives
We are exactly as alike as all the chimps in all the zoos
Or the seagulls in the sky
Or the shrimps in the seas
Or the penguins in one end
And the polar bears in the other
And we are exactly as alike as the rhinos in the savannah
Those that are left at least
Or as alike as all the other species nature tells us
Has come
And gone
We are all one of the 10 %
The 10 % of all creatures who ever lived
Who are alive right now
And now
We probably lost one in that turn
We are still one of the 10%
We have to realise that we are all one big family
And if we don’t want to become the next rhino
We have to live together
We have to talk to one another
To agree on what is right and what is rubbish
Then we must all do what we can to make us all feel better
And if we still can’t live on the same pile of stardust
Then we might fly our separate ways when the ship leaves port
But to get to where we can say
We have to work together
We have to
Think and say and do
Our own thing
But we have to do it from a common ground
And if we have to fight about it
I will still stick with the scientist
Who, if it all went to hell, could build the next best bomb
Or we could just sit down and talk about it
Instead of standing out in the cold, shouting about it. It’s so cold
I believe we will never be a Rhino
But we have to work together
To reach the stars
If nothing else then in the movies
For now
And I will do my part
If I can get my act together
To explain what I think and say and do
And why and why not
And I will try to hear what others
Think and say and do and why and why not
Both sides must be heard but both sides don’t have to stick around
We are done with discussing gays and lesbians and blacks and gods and a lot of other stuff
Evolution research tells us pretty clearly that we are one big family stranded on Earth
And the physicists and the cosmologers and a lot of others tells us pretty clearly that Earth
Is a rather sad place to be if you would like to maybe visit another inhabitable planet
My point is that to be anything more than the top of all the food chains on our planet
We have to spend an unfortunately long time to think up an engine capable of
Getting us to the other side of the nearest galactic pond
But isn’t that really what we want?
How cool would it be to go on vacation on another planet?
Perhaps one where the weather is a little more stable
Nice warm summers
Or a planet where they grew Super Weed
SuperWeed now at Christiania
Or at 7/11
One instant burger
½l of soda
And a perfectly crafted SuperWeed
Directly from outer space
Probably flown here by Harrison Ford
If we can fix the ageing problem
Which still seems to top pretty much any food chain
On our insignificant mountain of stardust
SuperWeed now with increased giggling potential
Or SuperWeed Adderall Edition
For increased discussion intensity
That would be so much fun

Think about what you think and say and do
I will try to do the same
And if I can get my ass in gear
I will try to get my ass in gear
To write about it


onsdag den 3. juli 2013

Den aller første blog

Nu er jeg blevet enig med mig selv om at jeg nok ikke rigtigt passer ind på fyldepennen, så jeg må starte mig en blog i stedet. :D jeg tror stadig jeg vil fortsætte med at kigge lidt rundt derinde, og måske lægge noget mere op hvis de får nosset sig sammen til at give mig et forfatternavn på et tidspunkt.

Jeg tænker at første punkt på dagsordenen er at finde ud af hvad jeg vil med en blog.

Jeg tror at det bliver et sted hvor jeg kan placere mine tanker, så de ikke bare flyver rundt i mit hoved. på den måde kan det være jeg finder ud af hvad der passer sammen, hvor, ^^ det ville være rart.

så jeg tror godt at jeg kan love at det første oplæg efter dette bliver Think say do, som fyldepennen ikke ville acceptere.

Jeg er faktisk ret godt tilfreds med hvad det digt blev til på engelsk, men hvis der er nogen der har kommentarer så glæder jeg mig til at høre dem ^^.

Hvis jeg skal prøve at beskrive hvad jeg vil med min blog, så bliver det:

mine tanker om mig

historier om mig

og mest af alt bliver det mit forsøg på at forklare hvad jeg gør og siger og tænker.

jeg har tusinde ting jeg gerne vil dele

og tusinde spørgsmål jeg gerne vil have besvaret

jeg er melankolsk og apatisk

men elsker at leve og brænder af energi

jeg har en mening om alt hvad jeg kender til

og en dyb ligegyldighed over for alt der ikke berører mig

jeg tror på frihed over alt andet

men mener at frihed sikres bedst med et stort socialt budget

jeg tror på at dit privatliv er ukrænkeligt

men mener at alt hvad der er tilgængeligt på nogen måde er offentligt

jeg tror på kærlighed

og mener at utroskab er et ubrugeligt ord

jeg er single og ensom

mener at ensomhed er en skat der bliver mere værd jo flere muligheder du har for at vælge den

og jeg elsker at være kryptisk

men vil til hver en tid forklare dig alt hvad du ikke forstår

og hvis du kan lytte og lære

så vil jeg til enhver tid gøre det samme hvis du kan argumentere for din sag.

Jeg håber og tror på at dette kan være mit første skridt mod det mål jeg i øjeblikket ser i mit liv.
men det kommer til at tage lidt tid før jeg når til berømmelsen og muligheden for at ændre verden.

Jeg håber at dette indlæg kan være det første skridt på vejen til at din og min hverden sammen kan blive et bedre sted.
