lørdag den 6. juli 2013

A Quarter

So funny story

I turned 25 a while ago, but not until today did it dawn on me, that 25 is a quarter of a century.
So unless I step in front of a bus or something like that, I will most likely have 3 more quarters to look forward to.
It’s fun to look back, everything seemed so good, except the really bad things, which are, for me at leas,t a small minority of memories, but still I feel like everything keeps getting better.
I understand the world better, and I can usually figure out why people do stuff, even if I don’t agree with them.
I know myself better, and I can for the most part decide for myself what action is the best to take.
I understand other people better, so it’s a lot less hard to make people happy, even without making myself miserable.
This feels like a continuous process, and I can’t wait to get to the next quarter stone, and look back at what has changed since this one.
But the part that really gets me exciting is thinking about the advances in medical science. What I wouldn’t give to be in the generation that gets to live forever.
The world clearly has some work to do, and a lot of idiots to let die, but by the time we get to the fountain of youth, I believe we will have had to learn to live together, or the nuclear clouds will make the overpopulation a problem on a much smaller scale.
If you can look back on your life with joy, you are fortunate
The present is up to you, but strive to get to a future that would make you happier than you currently are, if we all do that, every day will get better


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