onsdag den 6. november 2013

Laugh in the face of danger

I've been thinking about what to write about today
And I feel maybe it's time for me to explain why I am where I am
Why I am at Zahles
Learning to be a teacher
I think I have always wanted to be a teacher
It is perhaps the only constant in my life
When I started School
I loved it
Out was so cool to come home smarter every day
Leave the house in the morning
Without a clue
And find yourself eight hours later
With the realisation that if you had been told what you would learn
You wouldn't have believed it
That was so exciting
But unfortunately it didn't last
By the end of fourth grade I was done with everything my school had to offer in terms of self study course for Danish
And the English language pretty much took care of itself through computer games
Maths has always come easy to me
All the natural subjects have always been understandable to me, but I never wanted to know how it was discovered, only that it was, and that someone was figuring out more
Music was fun, challenging, rewarding and no one ever hid the fact, that you will never be done learning music
Which, I think, led me to the conclusion that I wanted to teach music
I slacked the rest of public school
Only pursued music in out of house projects
And in public music teaching
Accordion and
After Stubbekøbing Skole I went to Nykøbing Kattedralskole
This is year eleven through thirteenth
A levels I guess
I was the last class of mathematical students in Denmark
Took A levels in Music, English, Danish and History
I took A levels Math for a month before dropping it to B level
Pass/fail I guess
But during this time I realised that the work I had done in school with music as a profession
MGK and A level Music
Was a lot of hard work
And very little groupies
Playing in a band was way cooler
I would still say that music gave me my best friend
Even more than one best friend
And I love the years I had at that school
But it was pretty clear that I was not going straight to university
Way to much reading
Or to Musik Konservatoriet
To much reading
So I went and did my military service
After six months of bending and welding iron
Military was fun
It was great to know how war is supposed to be
How you are supposed to fight on your home soil
To make sure everyone else will always agree with your point
You don't shoot until you are threatened
And if you shot you shot for the chest
Easier to hit
More room for error
And the worse shot you are
The greater chance the hostile will go down
And less chance it will die
And your orders are always to run and tell first
We laugh in the face of danger
Then we hide until it's gone
It makes sense for the army to tell everyone to be competent cowards
And just have a highly mobile strike team to take care of everything
The military was fun
And you really got the feeling of family with your unit
For a short time
But it was great to learn what a highly coordinated team of humans are capable of
After the military I went back to the real world
And did some entry level courses for various classes
Construction engineering
Motorbike mechanic
Movie/TV production
Graphic production
I was on welfare for a bit and then finally moved to Aalborg for Sociology at Aalborg Universitet
Moving away from everything I knew was healthy
It made me think things through
University was kind of fun
It was great to see that school was actually working
And it gave you the opportunity to work on your own projects
Pretty much at your own pace
Still a little much reading for my taste
And I didn't feel at home
So here we are
I am back in Copenhagen
At N. Zahles
And it is great fun
Everyone likes to talk all the time
Even the teachers
It makes sense
And like in real life
The tasks are small
And often
Like all the time often
But they pretty much let you solve them how you want
And let you work the amount you want
As long as you do it
On time ^^
In Aalborg it got clear
I just need to become a teacher
That I study English is simply the fact that I'll need to learn some proper English at some point
Might add well do it first
Then social science
For the reading
And Music for when I need to write the final project
That is the plan at least

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